Thursday, March 22, 2012

Non-Profit Tech Conference

I'm speaking at this conference April 5th in Hopewell VA. #cio #localgov

Here is what I like about opportunities like this. I get to talk to people who (a) don't use technology for their jobs every minute of every day and (b) appreciate different perspectives and are open to change.
I also like talking about citizen outreach, challenges of local government, and all things digital.

This is a two day affair. They are streaming it from a California conference, into the Beacon Theater in Hopewell Va. During the lunch break, they have Kim Mahan (Genworth Financial) on April 4th, and me on April 5th. Seems like a very economical use of the conference.

If nothing else, the networking opportunities will be good. Innovation sometimes prospers in the environments that can least afford traditional solutions.



Unknown said...

I like seeing the effort to support the attendance of more people with the streaming option. Have fun!

Bobby said...

Loved reeading this thanks